wgpat -------------------------------------------------------------------................. - --aims

36th Meeting of the WGPAT

| September 21 - 23, Wageningen, The Netherlands



PETER KOEHLER Freisling, Germany (+)




Proteomics analysis of wheat gluten: how do we interpret and summarise the data? (+)
Twan America


Quantitative proteomics of more than 2000 proteins from different wheat species and potential allergenicity (+)
Detlef Schuppan, Muhammad Afzal, Malte Sielaff, Manjusha Neerukonda, Ute Distler, Stefan Tenzer, Friedrich H. Longin


Knock-out of ATI in wheat and resulting bioactivity (+)
Manjusha Neerukonda, Marco Bonarrigo, Arianna Frittelli, Francesco Sestili, Francesca Fayer, Pasquale Mansueto, Antonio Carroccio, Stefania Masci, Detlef Schuppan


Impact analysis of low-gluten, CD-safe wheat (+)
Marinus J. M. (René) Smulders




Regulatory mechanisms controlling in the gut mucosa the transition from potential to overt coeliac disease (+)
Serena Vitale, Ilaria Mottola, Renata Auricchio, Silvia Gregori, Riccardo Troncone, Carmen Gianfrani


Paediatric screening for type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease in Italy (+)
Carlo Catassi


Can coeliac disease be predicted? (+)
Riccardo Troncone, Renata Auricchio, Luigi Greco


Interleukin-2 readouts in coeliac disease (+)
Knut E. A. Lundin


Transglutaminase inhibition in coeliac disease: progress in understanding and clinical studies (+)
Detlef Schuppan


Coexistence of apoptosis, pyroptosis, and necroptosis pathways in Coeliac Disease (+)
Carolina N. Ruera, Federico Perez, María Luz Iribarren, Luciana Guzman, Lorena Menendez, Laura Garbi, Fernando G. Chirdo


Symposium: Dissecting the pathogenesis of coeliac disease using organoids


Steering epithelial and mesenchymal cell type composition in an iPSC-derived Intestine-Chip (+)
Renée Moerkens, Joram Mooiweer, Aarón D Ramírez-Sánchez, Roy Oelen, Cisca Wijmenga, Robert Barrett, Sebo Withoff, Iris Jonkers


Autologous co-cultures of human intestinal CD8+ cells and organoids on-chip to recapitulate
a mucosal immune response
Joram Mooiweer, Renée Moerkens, Aarón D. Ramirez-Sanchez, Gieneke Gonera, Bana Jabri, Robert Barrett, Cisca Wijmenga, Iris Jonkers, Sebo Withoff


Intestinal organoids: a cellular model to study Coeliac Disease (+)
M. Vittoria Barone, Claudia Bellomo, Francesca Furone, Merlin Nanayakkara


Organoids in the study of coeliac pathogenesis (+)
Violaine Dony, Michael Schumann


Statements on current developments concerning gluten analysis,
clinical and legal aspects


Update on Codex issues regarding gluten (+)
Hertha Deutsch


Prolamin Working Group: Challenges of the next years from the industry9s perspective (+)
Götz Kröner




Peter Koehler, Carmen Gianfrani  (+)

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