
CARMEN GIANFRANI. Oslo Universitetssykehus HF Rikshospitalet OSLO, NORWAY

Dr. Carmen Gianfrani is a mucosal immunologist with an acknowledged experience on chronic and autoimmune intestinal disorders, as coeliac disease and inflammatory bowel diseases. She is the head of Mucosal Immunology Laboratory at the Institute of Protein Biochemistry of CNR in Naples, Italy, Editor of Pediatric Research (gastroenterology section). Dr Gianfrani has contributed to the elucidation of gluten peptides activating HLA class II restricted CD4+ T cells. She has also characterized the cytotoxic CD8+ T cells reactive to gluten in the context of HLA class I molecules. Dr Gianfrani has developed biochemical strategies detoxifying wheat gluten that are currently in clinical trials. She has been working in collaboration with several international research groups, either in USA and in Australia.


National Research Council of Italy

---National Research Council of Italy
------Institute of Protein Biochemistry
------Via Pietro Castellino 111
------80131 NAPLES, ITALY
- P +39 081 6132224 - F +39 0816132 277

Carmen Gianfrani

KNUT LUNDIN. Oslo Universitetssykehus. OSLO, NORWAY

Knut E. A. Lundin studied Medicine at University of Oslo from 1980 to 1986. He did the work for his Dr. med. thesis in the laboratory of Erik Thorsby from 1986 to 1989 and defended the thesis in 1990. He started already in 1985 a close and longstanding collaboration with professor Ludvig M. Sollid. He started clinical training in 1993, and qualified as specialist of Internal medicine in 1999 and in Gastroenterology in 2000. He has since worked at the Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet, and holds a position as Senior consultant gastroenterologist at the Endoscopy Unit. Clinical expertise includes all aspects of GI endoscopy including ERCP, EUS, pediatric endoscopy, balloon enteroscopy etc., as well as celiac disease, wheat sensitivity, inflammatory bowel disease and a range of other clinical conditions seen at a thertiary referral hospital. He is currently associate professor and project leader for a new and revised curriculum for medical education at the University of Oslo. Main research interest focuses on T cell biology of celiac disease, and in recent years, also non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Most important scientific achievement was the demonstration of gluten-specific, intestinal T cells in celiac disease (Lundin et al. J Exp Med 1993). He has published a number of original papers, reviews and book chapters. Together with Ludvig Sollid he organized the 13th International Symposium on Celiac Disease that was held in Oslo in 2011.

KNUT LUNDIN. Co-chair (+)

University of Oslo

---University of Oslo
-----Institute of Clinical Medicine
-----Postboks 1171, Blindern
-----0881 OSLO, NORWAY
- P +47 90980325 - F +47 23072410

Knut Lundin

Università Politecnica delle Marche
Department of Pediatrics

---Università Politecnica delle Marche
------Department of Pediatrics
------Via Corridoni 11
------60123 ANCONA, ITALY
- P +39 071 5962364 - F +39 071 36281

Carlo Catassi

FERNANDO G. CHIRDO. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. LA PLATA, ARGENTINA

Fernando Chirdo studied biochemistry at the National University of La Plata, Argentine, from 1982 to 1988. In 1995 he obtained his PhD in Biochemistry working on the development of quantitative methods for gluten analysis and serological tests for coeliac disease diagnose. Since 2001, he is a member of the Scientific Researcher Career of National Council for Scientific Research and Technology (CONICET). In 2001/2002 he took up a research fellowship in University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, at the laboratory of Prof. Allan Mowat, where he studied the regulatory function of dendritic cells from small intestine.
Since 2006, he is Professor of Immunology at Exact Sciences Faculty of National University of La Plata. His research is focused on the mechanisms of immune response and regulation at the intestinal mucosa in the context of coeliac disease pathogenesis and in animal models of enteropathy. In addition he is working in the development of quantitative immunochemical techniques for gluten analysis.


Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
Universidad Nacional de La Plata

---Instituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológicos - IIFP
--.---UNLP- CONICET. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas
------Boulevard 120 Num 1489

Fernando Chirdo


---GSTT NHS Trust
------Curve Business Hub, Unit 1 - 30B Wilds Rents
- P +44 203 751 1104 - F +44 207 4033437

Paul Ciclitira


Associate Professor Iris Jonkers is an immuno-genetics researcher who applies her fundamental background in transcription regulation to the study of autoimmunity. After a successful postdoc at Cornell University, USA, she moved to the University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands, and started the Immunogenetics group which uses genomics and genetics in combination with human-patient-derived models and cells to understand how the genetics associated with CD impact disease processes. She performed the largest CD-specific expression quantitative trait locus analysis to date and identified cell-specific CD biomarkers in blood using single-cell RNA-seq. As a second-line Netherlands Organ on chip Initiative (NOCI) PI, Iris creates complex human models to study CD, specifically the intestine-on-chip model, to interrogate the role of genetics in CD. She is a prominent member of the CD community as evidenced by her membership of the scientific advisory board of the Dutch CD patient Society (NCV), her participation in national and international CD patient forums and her role as treasurer of the International Society for Study of Celiac Disease and as executive member of the Working Group on Prolamin Analysis and Toxicology. She is an invited speaker at CD and gastroenterology conferences such as ICDS, the NIAID-NIDDK Celiac Disease Workshop and ESPGHAN.


Associate Professor immuno-genetics researcher


---Department of Genetics,
------University Medical Center Groningen,
------University of Groningen,
------Groningen, The Netherlands

Iris Jonkers

Department of Immunohaematology and Bloodbank
Leiden University Medical Center Albinusdreef 2

---Department of Immunohaematology and Bloodbank
------Leiden University Medical Center
------Albinusdreef 2. 2333 ZA LEIDEN, THE NETHERLANDS
- P +31-71-5266673 - F +31-71-5216751

Frits Koning

STEFANIA MASCI. Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences (DAFNE)University of Tuscia. VITERBO, ITALY

Stefania Masci is full professor in Agricultural Genetics at Tuscia University in Viterbo, Italy. At present she teaches “Genetic Biotechnologies” and “Quality and molecular traceability of Plant Based Foods”. She holds a Master degree in Biological Science and a PhD in Evolutionary Biology, both from La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy. Her speciality is the study of molecular, genetic and biochemical bases of wheat quality, both technological and nutritional, and the development of wheat genotypes with a lower impact on adverse reactions to wheat. In her lab, both classical and advanced breeding technologies are used, included the production of GM plants and the most updated genome editing procedures.


Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences (DAFNE)
University of Tuscia

----Via San Camillo de Lellis s.n.c.
------01100 VITERBO, ITALY
- P +39 0761 357255 - F +39 0761 357434
------M +39 328 864 1241

Stefania Masci

KATARINA SCHERF. Leibniz-Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich, FREISING, GERMANY

Katharina Scherf is head of the research unit “Functional Biopolymer Chemistry” at the Leibniz-Institute for Food Systems Biology at the Technical University of Munich in Freising, Germany. She studied food chemistry and received her PhD degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from the TUM. Her research activities focus on analytical, biochemical and immunological aspects of wheat sensitivities as well as elucidating relationships between structure, functionality and bioactivity of cereal proteins and other biopolymers to improve food security, quality and safety. She has received several awards for outstanding scientific achievements and is an active member of various national and international boards.


Leibniz-Institute for Food Systems Biology
at the Technical University of Munich

--- Lise-Meitner-Straße 34, 85354 FREISING, GERMANY
- P +49 8161 712927 - F +49 8161 712970

Katharina Scherf

DETLEF SCHUPPAN. I. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz MAINZ, GERMANY

Detlef Schuppan received his MD degree in Berlin, and two PhD degrees, at the Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry in Munich and at the Free University of Berlin, Germany. He was Associate Professor of Gastroenterology/Hepatology/Medicine in Berlin until 1997, Full Professor and Deputy Director of the Dept of Medicine I at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany until 2004, when he relocated to Boston, where he became Full Professor of Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology and Consultant Physician at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and Harvard Medical School (HMS) in Boston. In 2011 he returned to Germany where he has founded and serves as Director of the Institute of Translational Immunology and as Attending Physician at Mainz University Medical Center, with a continuing senior faculty position at BIDMC and HMS. Research and clinical focus is on liver inflammation, fibrosis and NASH; on intestinal inflammation, food related disorders, the gut-liver axis, celiac disease, wheat sensitivity, food allergies and the role of the nutritional factors and the intestinal microbiome on autoimmunity, GI and liver cancer. Apart from the preclinical and clinical validation of novel therapeutics, including siRNA and nanoparticles, his group develops novel noninvasive biomarkers and targeted imaging to predict and monitor the activity of these diseases. Prof. Schuppan has been and continues to be consultant, principal and co-Investigator in numerous clinical studies, mainly in liver fibrosis, NASH, celiac disease, and autoimmune diseases. He has been Secretary General of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), member of several committees of the AGA, AASLD, and the United European Gastroenterological Foundation. He has been awarded numerous prizes, including an ERC Advanced Grant of the EU in 2011, the Mäki Research Prize for Life Time Achievements in Celiac Disease Research in 2015, and the Aesku Award for Life Time Achievements in Autoimmune Diseases in 2018. He has published more than 570 Pubmed cited original articles and reviews. Currently, he has >10 active competitive research grants.


I. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik
Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

---I. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik
-----.Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
-----.Langenbeckstr.1..55131 MAINZ, GERMANY
-P +496131-177355/177356/177104 -.F +496131-177357

Detlef Schuppan

RENÉ SMULDERS. Wageningen University & Research. THE NETHERLANDS

Dr. M.J.M. (René) Smulders (PhD Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1989) is since 2012 manager of Plant Breeding, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands. He is involved in research on genetic diversity and genetic mapping in several crops with polyploid genomes. He leads projects on methods to breed a wheat variety that is safe for people with Coeliac Disease by combining genetic variation with gene editing and selecting safe gliadin genes. He participates in societal discussions on opportunities of using new plant breeding techniques, including gene editing, as an additional tool for breeding crop varieties that may have direct benefits for consumers, that fit better in integrated pest management systems, and that will contribute to addressing the challenges of agriculture in the 21st century.


Wageningen University & Research

- Plant Research
-----Droevendaalsesteeg 1
-----6708 PB WAGENINGEN,
- P +31 620298266

Rene Smulders

RICCARDO TRONCONE. Department of Pediatrics and European Laboratory for the Investigation
of Food-induced Diseases. NAPLES, ITALY

Professor Riccardo Troncone is Full Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the European Laboratory for the Investigation of Food-Induced Diseases (ELFID), University Federico II, Naples. He holds a research position at the Institute of Food Science and Technology, CNR, Avellino. Born in 1953, he graduated in 1977 and obtained the Diploma in Pediatrics in 1980. He worked as a research fellow at the Institute of Clinical Immunology, University of Florence, Prof. Romagnani, 1979-80; and at the Gastrointestinal Unit, the University of Edinburgh, Prof. Ferguson, 1985-87. He is member of several Scientific Societies of Pediatrics and Immunology and presently he is President of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN).<br />
His research interests are focused mostly on mucosal immunology; from a clinical point of view they include: coeliac disease, food allergies, inflammatory chronic bowel disease. He is the author of 3 volumes, 86 monographies/reviews, 112 original papers and of 184 contributions to national and international congresses. He has been Senior Associate Editor of Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (JPGN).


Department of Pediatrics and European Laboratory
for the Investigation of Food-induced Diseases

---University of Naples “Federico II”
------via Pansini, 5
------80131 NAPLES, ITALY
-P +39 081 7463383 - F +39 081 5469811
--- troncone@unina.it

Ricardo Troncone
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